Sabtu, 05 April 2014

Modal Auxiliary + Contoh Soal

Hai-haiiiii *lambai-lambai tangan*. Lama nggak ketemu ya. Doh ini terlalu sepi, yang rame backgroundnya doang #hahha. Okeh, seperti yang pernah gue bilang, gue akan nge-post hal yang berguna disini. Gue mau mulai dengan menge-post tentang Bahasa Inggris yaitu Modal Auxiliary. Sebenernya sih ini punya temen gue, soalnya modal auxiliary yg gue bikin ada di flashdisk, tapi flashdisk gue ilaaaaaang dan itu belom gue pindahin ke notebook #huweeeee #kenapacurhatgini? Eh tapi gue udah izin kok ama temen gue :D

Okelah, langsung aja. Penasaran apa itu Modal Auxiliary? Let's ChenKaiD.Ot

Modals (Kata Bantu) atau Auxaliary Verb

Modals adalah auxiliary verbs (kata kerja bantu). Secara umum, modal auxiliaries digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sikap atau suasana hati si pembicara. Contohnya, modal auxiliaries dapat mengekspresikan bahwa si pembicara merasakan bahwa sesuatu tersebut merupakan necessary (kebutuhan), advisable (baik untuk dilakukan), permissible (diizinkan/ diperbolehkan), atau possible (mungkin untuk dilakukan).

Bentuk Modal Auxiliaries

·     Can
·     Could
·     Will
·     Would
·     May
·     Might
·     Must
·     Should
·     Shall
·     Ought to 

Modals harus diikuti dengan kata kerja bentuk pertama (VERB 1). Tidak perlu menambahkan akhiran -s/-es walaupun Subjectnya: He, She, It

Similar Expression (Ekspresi Serupa) dari Modal Auxiliaries

Can = be able to do it

Must = have to do it
Daftar diatas adalah ekspresi serupa yang memiliki makna yang sama dengan pasangan modals-nya masing-masing.
Namun, yang akan kita bahas disini hanya 4 bentuk, yaitu Can, May, Must, Will

Rumus :

Modals diletakkan sebelum kata kerja karena fungsinya kata kerja pembantu.

Subject + Modals + Verb Infinitive (Kata kerja dasar)

1.   Can/Could (bisa/ dapat)
Perbedaan Penggunaan  :
·     Can   : Digunakan untuk menyatakan kemampuan seseorang pada saat ini (Present Time).
·     Could : Digunakan untuk menyatakan kemampuan seseorang melakukan sesuatu pada masa lampau (Past Time) atau menyatakan kalimat yang sopan.
Kegunaan    :
·     To ask for permission (Meminta izin)

Contoh       : Can/ Could I use your cell phone? 

·     To express polite request. (Mengekspresikan permintaan sopan)

Contoh       : Could you get me some water, please?

·     To express ability to do something (Mengekspresikan kemampuan untuk melakukan sesuatu)

Contoh       : I can speak English.

Positive Sentence
Negative Sentence
Interrogative Sentence
I can dance on the floor
I can’t dance on the floor
Can you dance on the floor ?
She can speak French
She can’t speak French
Can she speak French ?
We can ice-skate very well
We can’t ice-skate very well
Can we ice-skate very well ?

Positive Sentence
Negative Sentence
Interrogative Sentence
My mother could run fast when she was still young
My mother couldn’t run fast when she was still young
Could your mother run fast when she was still young ?
I could swim when I was a child
I couldn’t swim when I was a child
Could you swim when you was a child ?
He could take care of her when she was still life
He couldn’t take care of her when she was still life
Could  he take care of her when she was still life ?

2.   May/Might (boleh/ mungkin)
May & might kadang-kadang memiliki hampir arti yang sama , mereka digunakan untuk berbicara tentang kemungkinan di masa lalu , sekarang atau masa depan.
May kadang-kadang sedikit " lebih yakin " ( 50 % kemungkinan ), sedangkan might mengungkapkan lagi keraguan ( mungkin hanya kesempatan 30 % ).
Kegunaan    :
·     To express more formal permission (Mengungkapkan izin yang lebih formal)

Contoh       : May I meet your wife, sir?

·     To express prohibition (Mengekspesikan larangan)

Contoh       : You may not smoke here.

·     To show possibility (Menunjukkan kemungkinan)

Contoh       : She may join the English Club.

·     To express wish (Mengungkapkan harapan)

Contoh       : May God bless you all the time.

3.   Must/Have to (harus/ pasti)
Kegunaan    :
·     Digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang harus dilakukan.
·     To talk about necessity (Membicarakan keperluan)

Contoh       : I must/ have to buy some foods for breakfast.

·     To express obligation (Mengekspresikan kewajiban)

Contoh       : They must/ have to obey the medical rules.

·     To express prohibition (Mengekspresikan larangan)

Contoh       : You must not eat in the office.

·     To express conclusion (Mngungkapkan kesimpulan)

Contoh       : Brian got a bad score. He must be a lazy student.

Other Example      :
1.    Ani looks pale. She must see the doctor.
2.   You mustn’t be late for school.

4.   Will
Biasa digunakan untuk membuat kalimat Future Tense. Modals ini memberitahu sebuah perilaku yang akan dilakukan.
Kegunaan    :
·       Making personal predictions  (Membuat prediksi pribadi)
I don't think the Queen will ever abdicate. 

I doubt if I'll stay here much longer.

·       Talking about the present with certainty (making deductions) (Berbicara tentang masa kini dengan pasti ( melakukan pemotongan))
I'm sure you will understand that there is nothing the Department can do

There's a letter for you. It'll be from the bank: they said they'd be writing.

·       Talking about the future with certainty  (Berbicara tentang masa depan dengan kepastian)
I won't be in the office until 11; I've got a meeting.

Don't bother ringing: they'll have left for their 10 o'clock lecture.

·       Talking about the past with certainty (Berbicara tentang masa lalu dengan pasti)
I'm sure you will have noticed that attendance has fallen sharply.
·       Reassuring someone (Meyakinkan seseorang)
Don't worry! You'll settle down quickly, I'm sure.

It'll be all right! You won't have to speak by yourself.

·       Making a decision (Membuat keputusan)
For the main course I'll have grilled tuna.

I'm very tired. I think I'll stay at home tonight

·       Making a semi-formal request (Membuat permintaan semi formal)
Will you open the window, please? It's very hot in here.

Sign this, will you?

·       Offering to do something (Menawarkan untuk melakukan sesuatu)
You stay there! I'll fetch the drinks.
·       Insistence; habitual behavior (Desakan ; perilaku kebiasaan)
I'm not surprised you don't know what to do! You will keep talking in class.

Damn! My car won't start. I'll have to call the garage.

·       Making a promise or a threat (Membuat janji atau ancaman)
You can count on me! I'll be there at 8 o'clock sharp.

If you don't finish your dinner off, you'll go straight to bed!


Kita tidak perlu menambahkan do atau don’t ketika menggunakan modals dalam kalimat tanya dan kalimat negatif, contohnya: 

You must not talk in the exam.
Should we submit the task now?

Contoh Soal Modals Auxiliary
1.     … you please check my paper for grammar errors ?
a.  Can
b. May
2.    She … do more than two tast at one time yesterday.
a.  could
b.  can
3.    Vira has very smooth skin. She … apply olive oil to her face before going to bed.
a.  may
b. must
4.    You … throw litter from your vehicle because it can pose a risk to the environment.
a.  can’t
b. musn’t
5.    If I ask a question about your past. … you answer it?
a.  will
b.  would
6.    Your glass is empty. … i get you some more fresh water?
a.  will
b.  can
7.    We … like to visit that new store some day.
a.  can
b.  will
8.    “Rini is old enough. She … know better than the others about it.
a.  will
b. may
9.    They … study hard, because next April they … take the examination.
a.  must & will
b.  can & may
10.  You … permit to your mother, if  you go to school.
a.  must
b. may
11.   She … come here tomorrow.
a.  will
b. can
12.  He … speak English well.
a.  can
b. may
13.  You look like having trouble there. … I help you ?
a.  will
b. can
14.  My father … play guitar when he was child
a.  could
b. must
15.  They sky so dark, it … be rain
a.  may
b. must
16.  There’s a baby area, you … smoke here.
a.  mustn’t
b. mayn’t
17.  My motorcycle runs out of oil. I … buy it because I will ride it to the meeting.
a.  must
b.  can
18.  You are sick, but you don’t see a doctor. You … visit him soon.
a.  may
b. must
19.  I don’t have enough money to buy lunch. … you lend me a couple of dollars ?
a.  can
b. may
20. Professor Villa, we’ve finished our work for today. … we leave now, please ?
a.  may
b. must

Created by: Shin Jae Mi
Posted by: SanSun


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